
The Opportunity of Life Coaches for Kids®

Here’s what motivates me to direct the Life Coaches for Kids® ministry at our church, and what motivates Lori and Howard, the two wonderful leaders who serve with me on our leadership team:

Life Coaches for Kids® targets father absent children who attend Bethlehem Baptist as well as children in the nearby community. Father absence is the leading indicator for almost every single social ill we know. Studies show that father absent children account for 70% of youths in prison, 72% of adolescent murderers, 63% of youth suicides, and 71% of high school drop-outs. It’s clear God has designed fathers to be an essential part of their children’s life.

Biblically, the place of a father in a family is critical. He is a unique provider, protector, and authority in the life of his kids. Fathers lead their family in a special way that can instill children with a sense of their purpose (for good or evil). Most of us know humble, Christ-centered fathers who have a profound influence on their kids and those around them. There is also a dark-side of father influence, however. It’s what happens when fathers reject their responsibilities, leaving a void in their vulnerable children’s lives. In Inner-city Minneapolis, where father absence is rampant in approximately 80% of households, many kids find refuge in the family of gang-life where many of the things they crave are provided. The gangs offer father-like protection, authority, material provision (usually through the drug trade), and a sense of purpose… all in violent and distorted ways.  Sadly this trend has been steadily moving into the suburbs and small towns over the years as our family cohesion continues to weaken.

One of our mentors enjoying a Twins game with his mentee.

Life Coaches for Kids® works to directly address the damage of father abandonment by introducing the voluntary embodiment of Christ-centered love in an adult mentor. We currently have 15 active mentors in the church with many powerful stories to tell. Another two are very close to being matched. We are hoping to make significant progress on the ambitious ministry goal of providing mentors for the 20+ children and youth on our waiting list. A major purpose of this blog is to promote and advance the work of God among the fatherless of our church and community!

One goal of this blog is to provide an easy way to make one-time donations to my financial need as an urban missionary.  Because I receive no salary from the church for my position, I raise financial support for the part time work I do as Life Coaches Director at the church (10 hours per week). Currently, I have a team of monthly supporters that meet about 55% of our monthly need of $1000 per month.  However, if 50 people give one-time donations of $15, that makes up almost all of the shortfall for two straight months! You can play an important role in finding mentors for father-absent children by being one of those 50 people. Just click here or on the sidebar where it says Give an Online Gift towards my Work as an Urban Missionary. Thanks for your consideration!

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