
Welcome to my first attempts at joining the blogosphere! I honestly never expected to be doing this. Not that I don’t read blogs, but my philosophy on them tended towards the quip below from

However, a friend recently persuaded me to see the all the ways a blog and Facebook page could help me communicate about what God is doing in my life and especially my ministry. With than in mind, I’m jumping in. My priorities in these posts are the following:

1. Center the glory on God above all.
2. Tell stories with substance.
3. Provide meaningful opportunities for readers to support our family and ministry in prayer.
4. Open a window into what God is doing to minister in the lives of the fatherless at Bethlehem Baptist and our communities.
5. Economy of words – as you can see in the posts below, that’s only a part-time priority. (:

Since these priorities are like five stars that don’t align often, I’m setting the goal of two posts a month, and we’ll see what happens. You can read the posts below for the back story to this blog. I’d recommend starting from the bottom post October 12, 2008: The Shake-Up to get the chronology right. Feel free to skip around though, too.

If you have feedback for me, please let me know because I need all the help I can get! Thanks! God bless!