
Please Pray for Our Newest Match

One of the signs greeting us at the facility.

Just two weeks ago, I experienced a refreshing surprise. Tim is our newest mentor, and he met me at one of the juvenile correctional facilities in the Twin Cities.  We were there to see his mentee for the first time. This young man had set the record for the longest wait of any of the kids we've matched with mentors at Bethlehem. Month after month, there didn't seem to be any men applying to be Life Coaches that had similar enough interests and personality to draw out this teenager who was involved in gangs and alcohol abuse. But, by God's grace, Tim came along and looked like he could be a good fit.

The staff at the facility had difficult news for us. Tim's mentee was known more for pranks and being quiet with adults than for making progress during his first month in the program. But when he sat down with Tim and I, it was impressive. Tim asked a number of good questions to draw him out, and conversation started to flow. It was one of the most encouraging starts I've been able to witness in any match. Amazing actually considering the circumstances! I know we can give some credit to the right mix of personalities... but more than that it was a case of God showing up and drawing two people together in a way only He can through Christ.

Of course, this is still an uphill battle, but we're hopeful that the God who begins good works is faithful to complete them as well (Phil 1:6). Please join us in praying for God's redemptive hand to be strong in working in this young man's life and through his mentor.  Thanks!

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